
Idols who will be missed while in the miliary

Super Junior’s Heechul
So as you may all know, recently Heechul enlisted into the military. This is so sad, but eventually all of our idols will be missing for 2 years. It’s hard to think about it now, but when it happens, it can be very sad. Most of us may not think about it until it happens. There are so many great idols out there that will be missed or are being missed right now. Here is a list of idols that will be and/or are missed while in the military, in no particular order. Super Junior’s Leeteuk:
Of course, Heechul is not in the military, but part of the public service due to his past injuries, but nevertheless he will be missed for the next 2 years. He was so playful and so adorable. It will be a sad two years without him, but when these years are over, it will be such a happy time.
SHINee’s Key: key Okay, so he isn’t enlisting anytime soon, I’m assuming. But he is such a loved idol and so unique/special. I feel that when he enlists, it will also be another tough two years for fans. He has this style and personality that fans love and it would be missed greatly.
G-Dragon: gdragon He seems to be a very big idol! I am I huge G-Dragon fan, and I am going to be very torn when he leaves as well, but he isn’t enlisting just yet! I feel that G-Dragon is another unique idol who has very good style that many VIP’s love. But I guess on the bright side, he can pull off his short hair very well! ^^ But seriously, it’s so sad to see idols go. Now, there are plenty more idols that belong on this list, but I tried to keep this short and sweet, so I picked 5 idols. I could go on forever with this huge list of all these amazing idols! I guess I’ll add on that I will very much miss Lee Joon, Lee Honki, Jang Geun Suk, Kim Hyun Joong, TOP, Taecyeon, as well as many others! Are there any idols that you think should belong on this list? Name them! I’m sure I’ll agree with you and have probably thought about them when making this list! Rain: rain Rain is a very big idol. I feel that his loss is very significant. I can’t wait for him to come back, and he hasn’t even left yet. He is soon though. *Sad* Good news is that it seems he will possibly be negotiating with project offers he has received from Hollywood when he is discharged, so that is something to look forward to.

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