
SHINee’s Jonghyun claims that their popularity in Singapore was all due to him.

And the members, surprisingly, agreed! Before fellow Taemints, Lockets, Flames, and MVPs start getting angry, remember that Jonghyun only claimed to grant SHINee’s popularity in Singapore, and also remember that the other members agreed as well. After Jonghyun claimed to have been the cause of the popularity in Singapore, the other members fell silent for a few moments before agreeing, resulting in a smug look plastering itself onto Jonghyun’s face. The members then continue to comment on why they believe Jonghyun has the strongest presence in Singapore. Fellow member, Key, even claims that the whole reason they had a concert in Singapore was due to Jonghyun! Watch the video below yourself to see the member’s responses and words. (Click CC to see eng subs.)

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