
What’s the big deal about Big Bang’s G-Dragon smoking pot?

It was revealed earlier that Big Bang’s G-Dragon had smoked pot back in May and tested positive for the drug in his systems in July. He said that he had received a cigarette from a stranger while in a Japanese club and didn’t realize it until after he smoked it. And not only that, but somehow, some greater entity decided it was newsworthy to talk about it…now. Right, so many issues with this situation. I ask you, what’s the big deal about G-Dragon smoking pot? I really don’t see the big picture here. Someone want to enlighten me? People smoke pot all the time. Wow. What a surprise. I didn’t know. (That’s sarcasm.) Case in point: my suitemates smoked weed. I only cared because it affected me and I could smell it. But that’s not the point. (Weed and pot are the same = marijuana.) People smoke it all the time. Yet, when it comes to a celebrity smoking it and getting caught, everyone goes crazy and says stuff like, “OH MY GOSH I CAN’T BELIEVE SO-AND-SO WOULD DO THAT. HE SHOULDN’T DO THAT.” or “WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT?” Ok, what about the other thousands, hundreds of thousands of people who smoke it? Guess you wouldn’t really care because you don’t know them. Is it because he’s an idol that he gets held to a higher expectations level? That we expect him to be all dignified and perfect? People, chill. G-Dragon is an adult and human. He can make the decisions for himself. It’s his life. Sure, it’s stupid and all, but you don’t get to control his actions or his decisions or his life. Because you’re not him. Maybe he was curious and stuff, I don’t know. Which leads me to my next point.
Did he really not know what smoking pot would look like? The above picture is a joint, which is slang for smoking pot with a cigarette. It looks vastly different from a cigarette, yet I’m seeing comments such as “he didn’t know what it was” and “it’s not his fault”. Sorry, but fact is, he is responsible for his actions (and yes, he did somewhat straight out admit it). It’s not like he was intoxicated or sick to the point where he couldn’t judge properly, unless he did have quite a bit to drink at the bar, but he remembers the incident. And why would you agree to get something from a complete stranger? That’s a bit mind-boggling, but again, I’m not him. I wouldn’t know the reason. And why didn’t the news outlets report on this earlier? Or why didn’t G-Dragon admit this back in May? Well, I think that everyone was so preoccupied with Daesung that any more bad news to hit Big Bang would’ve been a little more than devastating. I’m just more than surprised it took them this long to reveal this news, but that’s all. And before fans say that I’m a hater, well, I’m being realistic here. Plus, I’m not one to control someone else’s life. Because it’s not cool. So really, no big deal. And though it can affect his health in the long run, it’s really his problem to deal with, not ours. You know, I wonder if there was a second meaning to him shaving his hair. Hmm.

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